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For this entry I’m going a bit of a different route from reviews past. This one is an event, not a film or show. It’s also a bit of an explanation of what I’ll be doing with a large portion of my time through the month of November. I’ll be in my third year of participation this time around. Personal results are somewhat mixed thus far, but I really like the ideas behind it and seeing writers come together.

National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo, is a few things. Not the least of which is a challenge to yourself. A number of people have ideas and inspirations they don’t end up doing anything with. Or they start things and don’t finish them. NaNo provides a place for motivation, for an extra spark of creativity, for support.

Every November numerous writers come together to participate. Some do this with others in local gatherings, others online via chats and the forums, and some choose to do their writing alone without the interactions. Throughout this time there is a multitude of support to be had. The NaNo staff has encouraging words on hand, other writers are there to share your struggles, and published authors step in to give pep talks over the course of the event. At the end of the month writers can “win” which, in this case, is a synonym for “finish”. NaNo isn’t a competition in the classic sense, against other people. Instead, it’s a race against the clock. A challenge against any limitations you may have placed on yourself.

The goal is simple: One month. Fifty thousand words.

More information can be found at:
