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So my last post was taking a bit of time away for NaNo, I’ll start there.

While I didn’t “win” NaNo as they call it, I did make some nice progress building the world and background for a story I’m piecing together. Technically, it wasn’t a valid NaNo entry anyway as I’d started parts of it prior to the beginning of the year’s Novel Writing Month.
Ignoring all that, I always enjoy participating and taking an excuse to work on a creative project is never a bad thing.

In the time following National Novel Writing Month, I’d intended to make a return to blogging and reviews. Instead, I made a return to video games and goofing off. There’s some portion of me that thinks that perhaps I should feel bad about that. But as it turns out, I don’t.
It’d been awhile since my last burst of real gaming and, being a person that identifies myself as a gamer, having some of those now and then are important.
Aside from the gaming I’ve had some time to watch things, read stuff, and generally just be, while piecing together the motivation for the next round of projects, happenings, and progress.